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2023 Emerging Architects Award Australian Institute of Architects, International Chapter / John Chow

An interview with John Chow, awarded the 2023 Emerging Architects Award Australian Institute of Architects, International Chapter, about the application process and benefits of architectural awards.

AIAI Emerging Architects Prize John Chow

From Left: John Chow, Richard Kirk, Robert Nation and Justin Hill
Image courtesy of the Australian Institute of Architect

What is the Emerging Architect Prize about?

The Emerging Architect Prize is a prize dedicated to recognising the contributions of young architects in the early part of their careers, to the profession.

What was the application process like?

Entrants can either self-nominate or be nominated and must submit a written statement of their achievements and contributions and include examples of some of their works. They also need to provide evidence of the entry requirements.

What was the assessment process like? Was there any feedback on the application?

After the nomination and submission details (to the international chapter prize at least) I did not hear from the jury or Institute. I only found out I had won during the Awards Ceremony.

What happened after the award? What were the outcomes / benefits for your practice afterwards?

After I received the award, and it was shared over social media by myself and the Institute, I believe the award increased the visibility of myself and my studio. While it is hard to know if it lead to any direct commissions, I do believe the award increased my creditability in the industry.

What tips would you give to future applicants for this award?

Some architects in the early parts of their careers can feel challenged in their decision to apply, especially if they have predominantly been working on large projects with few completed examples. However, awards such as this recognise contribution to the profession and advocacy as much as project achievements, so for those with lesser project experience, please remember that your non-project contributions to the profession will speak equally as loud, and not to hesitate to apply.

Jury citation

“John Wei Shun Chow has been awarded the 2023 Emerging Architect Prize by the International Chapter. John is recognised for the work of his practice, Metagram, his leadership roles within the Australian Institute of Architects International Chapter and the Hong Kong Interior Design Association, as well as his advocacy for decarbonisation in the building industry through the Hong Kong Australian Chamber of Commerce.

In addition to his work with Metagram, John has demonstrated leadership and commitment to the architectural profession through his role as a councillor with the Australian Institute of Architects International Chapter since 2021. John has also been an active member of the Hong Kong Australian Chamber of Commerce, contributing to the Construction, Property, and Infrastructure Committee as the only practicing architect on the ‘Net Zero’ workshop. Through this role, John is committed to raising awareness of ‘net zero’ and other carbon reduction initiatives.

The International Chapter congratulates John Wei Shun Chow on his well-deserved achievement and looks forward to seeing his continued contributions to the architectural profession.”